
Aged Debtors Report

Aged Debtors Declines only report shows declined transactions and batch items for a six month report period.

Appointment Book Summary Report

Shows a summary of apppointment booking and completion statistics for page owners over a selected date range.

Batch Reports

Batch reports for viewing declined batches, owing batches, incompletely submitted batches, unprocessed declines, paid batches, and non-transmitted batches.

Create a report in Report Builder

Create a report from Bp data in SQL Server Report Builder. You will need some familiarity with database concepts and the SQL query language.

Run the Financial Summary report

Configure and run the Financial Summary report. This report includes a variety of filters to focus on specific data, such as reporting by revenue account, by user, by health fund, by provider, or individual workstation. The report data can be split and grouped, and the report exported to CSV.

Next Appointment Recall Report

Schedule recall appointments for patients who need to return to your practice. Run the next appointment recall report to review upcoming recall appointments to be booked. Book appointments straight from the patient's appointment history.

Patient claims report

The Patient Claims report returns information on claims and their status with Medicare to easily locate data on specific claims.

Reading the Financial Summary

Explains the sections of the comprehensive Financial Summary report.

Referrers Report

The Referrers Report displays all income related to incoming referrals.

Summary of Reports

What types of reports are available in

Run a report

Run a report from the Reports menu.

Import an .rdl file into Report Server

Import a report file (.rdl) into Bp's Report Builder so you can run the report.